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Senior Living Made Easy!  Fun Activities for Retirees...

Written by Collington Care Consultant | Sep 21, 2017 2:37:37 AM

Retirement doesn't mean you have to stop having fun... If anything, senior living can mean there is more time for more activities


1. Start Your Very Own Garden. 

  • Gardens take a lot of work, but you'll have the satisfaction of seeing your garden grow and bloom into something wonderful!

2. Take Cooking Classes.

  • You've been cooking for your whole life, but challenge yourself by taking it up a notch!  Take a class and cook a 5-star meal for familyand friends.

3. Take a Painting Class. 

  • Explore your creative side.  Paint a work of art to hang up in your home!

4. Learn How to Knit. 

  • Knitting is great if you want to relax while creating something beautiful.  Also, knitting could lead to some great gifts for loved ones!

5. Volunteer for a Good Cause.

  • Volunteering opens the door to being a part of something you're passionate about.  With more time on your hands, getting involved in your community is always a plus!

6. Embrace the Great Outdoors.

  • If you have an interest in anything wildlife, maybe learning more about different species and hiking is right up your alley.  It's a combination of good exercise and gorgeous scenery!

7. Make Pottery.

  • Looks a bit messy... but this could be something to check off your bucket list.  It could also be a way to explore your creativity and create something magnificent!


Collington also offers other fun activities such as woodworking, kayaking, tennis, along with many other options!  For more lifestyle changes to expect in senior living, click here...