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10 Minutes of Exercise A Day to Combat Your Arthritis

Written by Alyssa Callahan | Apr 29, 2019 11:56:00 AM

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis among older adults. 

A shocking 40 percent of people above the age of 70 are affected by this condition, especially in their knees. There is currently no cure, so the only ways to tolerate the pain are generally taking pain killers and ultimately getting knee surgery if the condition becomes serious.

According to Medical News Today, a new study has found that one hour of brisk walking or exercise a day can have significant effects on osteoarthritis and can prevent the risk of disability by 85 percent. The study found that individuals who maintained an hour of physical activity a week had little to no trouble performing daily tasks such as bathing, walking, dressing themselves, or safely crossing the street.
Government guidelines currently suggest two and a half hours of exercise each week for seniors to reduce risk of chronic disease, however the study suggests that seniors really only need half of that in order to maintain full mobility. Exercising for only 10 minutes each day is a much more attainable goal to set and is even achievable for those individuals with mobility issues. It only takes a small amount of time every day to maintain your independence for the future, so why not give it a try? 
With springtime weather upon us, now is an excellent time to go for a stroll outside or meet up with friends and go for a brisk walk. Exercise doesn’t have to be a daunting task, find ways to make it fun and enjoyable because the benefits will certainly pay off in the long term.


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